Deepdene Scottish Country Dancers

Scottish Country Dance in Deepdene, Melbourne

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 We meet at Deepdene Uniting Church Hall, 958 Burke Rd, Deepdene

Classes Mondays 7.30pm to 9.30 pm from March to mid- December.

Social dances in this hall 7.30 pm on 2nd Saturday every month, March to December inclusive.

Dances on the social programme are taught on Monday evenings.

You don’t need to be Scottish or to bring a partner, all you need is comfortable casual clothing including a pair of flat, soft shoes.

Enquiries: Llyn 0419 355 418 New dancers are always welcome. 


More information

Emails to members provide information about related events in Melbourne and elsewhere. If you you like to be on our email list, please contact us

RSCDS Melbourne Events page 

Scottish Country Dance Victoria

Monday night group night and social dancing second Saturday of the month March to December

Our March Social will be the first for 2025, 7.30 pm at our usual venue. Please note that this event is not suitable for new dancers.

We learn and dance the program dances in the weeks before the social so come along on Monday nights to practice!

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Dancing at Deepdene’s Christmas Social 2024.